
Thebayisacoolbodyofwaterwhichactsasanairconditionerinthesummeranddivertsmajorsnowstormsinthewinter.From.Wikipedia.,KeepyourspacecoolandcomfortablewithcoolingsolutionsfromTheHomeDepot.Fromwallandwindowairconditionerstoenergy-efficientportableair ...,Airconditioningisamemberofafamilyofsystemsandtechniquesthatprovideheating,ventilation,andairconditioning(HVAC).Heatpumpsaresimilarin ...,Airconditi...

AIR CONDITIONER in Traditional Chinese

The bay is a cool body of water which acts as an air conditioner in the summer and diverts major snow storms in the winter. From. Wikipedia.

Air Conditioners

Keep your space cool and comfortable with cooling solutions from The Home Depot. From wall and window air conditioners to energy-efficient portable air ...

Air conditioning

Air conditioning is a member of a family of systems and techniques that provide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Heat pumps are similar in ...

Air Conditioning (AC)

Air conditioning (AC) systems usually consist of an external unit, an internal unit and a remote control. These systems are based on inputs from a variety ...

AIR CONDITIONING in Traditional Chinese

Known uses include small scale refrigeration equipment, small air conditioning units and drinking water coolers. From the. Hansard archive.

How Do Air Conditioners Work | How Does AC Work

A standard air conditioner or cooling system uses a specialized chemical called refrigerant, and has three main mechanical components: a compressor, a condenser ...

What is Air Conditioning? Home AC Systems Explained...

Air conditioning (often referred to as AC, A/C or air con) is a system used to cool down the temperature in an inside space by removing the existing heat and ...

[混淆] air conditioner & air conditioning

2016年9月19日 — air conditioner (cn.) 冷氣機~機器一台一台可數 undefined • air conditioning (un.) 空調系統~系統不可數 undefined • heater (cn.) 暖氣機